
What is the Occupancy Tracker and how does it work.


The Occupancy Tracker displays the current and historic number of climbers at each Upper Limits climbing gym in the St. Louis area.

Gym Card

Below is a sample gym card. All elements are for illustration purposes only; they are non-functional and don't contain real data.




Downtown— Name of location. Links to gym's website for address, phone, and hours of operation.

25/40— Click occupancy ratio to reveal or hide occupancy percentage.

25— Number of climbers currently in gym.

40— Number of climbers allowed in gym.

Yellow Bar Graph— Level of occupancy. Green 1-50% full. Yellow 50-74% full. Red 75-100% full.

3 mins ago— Last time occupancy tracker was updated.

History— Button to view historic occupancy charts.

Occupancy Chart

Below is a sample occupancy chart. All elements are for illustration purposes only; they are non-functional and don't contain real data.

Sun-Sat— Click on a day to see that day's chart.

Mon— Day currently selected. Defaults to today's date.

0-40— Number of climbers (y-axis / vertical). Max number is set to gym's capacity.

11AM-9PM— Hours gym is open (x-axis / horizontal).

Green Bar Graph— Hover over bar graph to see hour and number of climbers.

30-Day History

Below is a sample history table. All elements are for illustration purposes only; they are non-functional and don't contain real data.

Maryland Heights (Max: 80)
Hour Average High
11 AM 2 3% 3 4%
12 PM 7 9% 10 13%
1 PM 12 15% 14 18%
2 PM 10 13% 13 16%
3 PM 11 14% 19 24%
4 PM 30 38% 34 43%
5 PM 38 48% 49 61%
6 PM 65 81% 70 88%
7 PM 59 74% 66 83%
8 PM 26 33% 58 73%
9 PM 11 14% 14 18%

Maryland Heights— Name of location.

Max: 80— Number of climbers allowed in gym.

Hour— Hours gym is open.

Average— Average number of climbers () and occupancy level ().

High— Highest number of climbers () and occupancy level ().

ColorsGreen 1-50% full. Yellow 50-74% full. Red 75-100% full.